Medical Deductions – what are they?

With medical expenses having a reputation of adding up very quickly, they can be onerous. There is relief though. This comes in the form of medical deductions from SARS and although you will not get everything back, something is better than nothing.

There are 3 source codes on your tax return (ITR12) that relate to medical payments made by you and or your medical aid. Some background first. This assumes that you are a member of a medical aid and have claimed from that medical aid as well as paid some extra. You will need your medical aid tax certificate to complete these medical deduction amounts.

Lets explain them:

Source code 4005:

Source code 4034:

Source code 4020;

Important tip: whatever code the expenses falls into, be sure to keep ALL the invoices AND proof that you paid them.


To understand more about this topic or help to submit returns and claiming the above, please contact us.

This post was updated on 18th February 2021

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