Provisional Tax – What is it?

There are always questions about provisional tax as it’s a relatively obscure subject. We are going to run through a few of the basic questions about this tax. What is provisional tax? Provisional tax is not a separate form of tax. It is in fact, one of the methods used by the South African Revenue […]
Personal Tax. What, who and when?

Apparently, there only two certainties in life – death and taxes. Taxes. Death is something outside our scope but tax (and personal tax in particular) is one of our main focus areas at BC Accounting Services.
5 points to make your tax return easier

Tax season happens every year and there are certain items that are important to remember when submitting your tax return. Whether you do this submission or even if you get a tax practitioner to do it on your behalf, the below are important points to remember: You do not have to submit a Tax return. […]
Distraction – How distracted are you?

Distraction causes others pain! Last week, I was walking through a local mall. I was on the way to the car. All of a sudden a sharp pain radiated from my right ankle. It was not pleasant. I looked around and saw what had caused the pain. It was a trolley that had connected with […]
Additional income and tax: Rental income

But what about all the expenses I pay for the property?
Yes, the taxable amount (rental income) may be reduced as you may incur expenses during the period that the property was let. Only expenses incurred in the production of that rental income can be claimed. Any capital and/or private expenses won’t be allowed as a deduction.
Just one more role to go

All roles in one You own your own business, great! You started in your home and you did everything. Nothing wrong here. You were (and still are) excellent at what you do, so your company grew and continues to grow. One extra person became two, became five etc. These helping hands help you manage to […]
More time, Is it really available?

Who couldn’t do with a few more hours in the day? Do you feel like you have been busy but have not really achieved anything at the end of the day? Well, you don’t have to stop the sun in its path to do that. Here are a few tips to loosen and free up […]
Out-of-pocket – Claim them BACK!

DID YOU KNOW that you can claim back from SARS out-of-pocket medical expenses! What are you talking about? Surely they are not going to pay for these expenses? Anyway, what are these out-of-pocket medical expenses? This answer is simple. They are expenses that your medical aid did not cover. Maybe your savings ran out or […]