I attend various networking meetings and events. I ask business owners if they would like to attend our meetings. Most decline. The most common reason? “I do not have the time”. It is clear that most of them don’t know where their time goes.
Say what?
I understand that many business owners are busy. Unfortunately, social media shows us that some of those people are actually not that busy. The “too busy” people are posting random funny posts on social media during the day. Admittedly, no one can work 100% of their day, however I am talking about the regular posting throughout the day.
Track where you use your precious time.
Time is the most valuable resource in existence and it is not something we can get back. Spending it wisely is the most critical thing a business owner can do. So, wh
ere does your time really go?

In order to know how you are spending your day, you have to track where it goes. It is simple. Whatever you do, write it down.
In this day of technology and especially free technology, there are many time tracking apps available for your smart device that make life easier. Personally, IĀ use Toggl* and am impressed by the simplicity of it. It certainly works for me. It may not work for you but there are many apps available to choose from. Every task I perform which is work related, I hit a button on my phone and it gets recorded. I only record business activities. At the end of the day, I can look back and see where my time is being spent. The results can be quite unexpected!
Less than you think!
You spend less time than you think on work. More importantly, you spend more time than you think on tasks too. Why is this so important to know? This can help with your costing of your products or services. When you spend more time on a certain product or service, you should charge more.
If you are concerned about what you are doing with your time, please contact us and we will assess where we can help you.
This article was updated in January 2023.
*This is a personal opinion and i do not get paid by this company to say this