In all likelihood, the success you have achieved in running your own business means that you are an amazing technician in your field.

I use the word “technician” as a general term for an expert. So, you are an expert in a specific field. You have carved out a niche for yourself in your industry based on your expertise.

It’s fair to say that in most cases, business owners were originally motivated by their passion and expertise. Their mission, I would argue, was not to become the manager of their own business one day.

The reason for their success is based on their expertise.

And it’s their expertise that their clients and customers rely on for their own success in business.

However, as a business owner, there is a constant battle within between your inner technician and your inner business owner.

And it happens without you even realising it.

Experts can help your small business grow

On the one hand, you are the technician. You’re focused and working hard at what you’re so good at. You are working in this business.

On the other hand, wearing the business owner’s hat, you have to operate the business. You are responsible for keeping things ticking over, for bringing in new business and retaining the customers you have worked so hard to gain.

Unfortunately, very few business owners can successfully manage this struggle. You are either a technician or a business owner, never both.

However, the fight for ultimate success in business can be achieved. And it’s not by “getting a little help from your friends”, as the song goes.

You should never go to friends for professional advice. Why?

Well, firstly they not likely to be the “experts” they make out to be. And secondly, and perhaps most importantly, they cannot be held accountable when something goes wrong.

Who do you call on to help you achieve business success? Simple. You go to a technician.

A technician in the field that you require help in.

BC Accounting Services is an example of a technician in the field of accounting for small business.

An independent firm or consultant is ideal as they can be wholly objective when it comes to reviewing your business. Remember, experts can help your small business grow.

Again, accountability is critical to you getting the most out of this technician.

Yes, there is a fight in you between you the technician and you the business owner. But if the fight is managed correctly, the only winner will be you!

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